Holding forth the Word of Life
— Philippians 2:16a (KJV)

Lord’s Day 35

Q96: What does God require in the second commandment?

We are not to make an image of God in any way,1

nor to worship him in any other manner

than he has commanded in his Word.2

Scripture References (hover over or tap to see verses)
  1. Deuteronomy 4:15-19; Isaiah 40:18-25; Acts 17:29; Romans 1:23
  2. Leviticus 10:1-7; Deuteronomy 12:30; 1 Samuel 15:22, 23; Matthew 15:9; John 4:23, 24

Q97: May we then not make any image at all?

God cannot and may not

be visibly portrayed in any way.

Creatures may be portrayed,

but God forbids us to make or have any images of them in order to worship them or to serve God through them.1

Scripture References (hover over or tap to see verses)
  1. Exodus 34:13, 14, 17; Numbers 33:52; 2 Kings 18:4, 5; Isaiah 40:25

Q98: But may images not be tolerated in the churches as “books for the laity”?

No, for we should not be wiser than God.

He wants his people to be taught

not by means of dumb images1 but by the living preaching of his Word.2

Scripture References (hover over or tap to see verses)
  1. Jeremiah 10:8; Habakkuk 2:18-20
  2. Romans 10:14, 15, 17; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 1:19