Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
— John 14:6 (KJV)
Phone: +65 6452 4388
E-mail: Administrator
Send WhatsApp message Online Feedback FormWe are located off Old Yio Chu Kang Road (with side-gate access from Yio Chu Kang Drive), behind St Thomas Orthodox Syrian Cathedral and next to Atelier Villas.
138 163 855 860
The bus services above stops in front of FERC at the following bus stops:
Public parking is available at HDB blocks 602/603, along Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5.
Car: $0.60 per 30 mins
Motorcycle: $0.65 per parking session
Charges on a per-minute basis
Free Parking on Sundays and Public Holidays, 7am to 10.30pm