All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
— 2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and that God speaks to His people through His Word. As God’s people, we want to study His Word to know Him better.


How should we study the Bible?

We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells us, His people, and enables us to interpret and apply His Word. We approach the study of the Word of God by first humbly asking the Holy Spirit to illumine our minds and aid our understanding.

We then approach the passage verse by verse, asking ourselves three main questions:

  1. What does the passage say?
  2. What does it mean?
  3. How can this be applied?

The idea is to dig deeper at each level. We start with general observations, move to an in-depth examination of the verse in context, looking at commentaries if necessary to aid in our understanding of the background, and finally, we consider the practical application of the principles in our lives.


We plan to study the Bible together as a Church in an incremental way. We start with training everyone (facilitators and participants) on the above method of study from January to April 2024.

All our Bible Study Groups will then proceed to study the same book of the Bible on a once-per-month basis from May to August 2024. During this time, before each study, our facilitators will come together to prepare for each study together. This will equip them to help their respective groups conduct each study in a fruitful manner.

Finally, from September 2024 onwards, we plan to move towards a more regular pace, where each Bible Study Group will meet to study the Word at least twice a month.

Our prayer is that, as a Church, we will be faithful in our handling of the Holy Scripture, and that the Holy Spirit will ignite within each participant an earnest desire to study the Word to know their God better.

Congregational Teaching

Date: Every 3rd Sunday CI slot
Time: 11.30 am - 12.30 pm
Location: Sanctuary

21/1Expository Bible Study Defined and Compared
18/2Asking Good Questions for Good Answers
17/3The Big Picture and Right Meaning
21/4How to Be a Profitable Participant
19/5BS #1 post study tutorial
16/6No tutorial
21/7BS #2 post study tutorial
18/8BS #3 post study tutorial


Date: Every 4rd Saturday except September

DateTimeTopicLocationRequired Attendees
25/53.30 pm - 5 pmBS #2Microsoft TeamsAll Facilitators
27/7BS #3
24/8BS #4, #5
21/92 pm - 3.30 pmBS #6, #7Rostered Facilitators
26/103.30 pm - 5 pmBS #8, #9
Training Material (for Facilitators)

CG schedule by month

MayBS #1
JuneNo meeting in June
JulyBS #2
AugustBS #3
SeptemberBS #4, #5
OctoberBS #6, #7
NovemberBS #8, #9

Chapter divisions

BS #Text: 1 ThessaloniansInformation
11:1-10Paul’s Greeting; The Gospel’s Entrance and Power
22:1-12The Blameless Shepherds
32:13-20The Church’s Steadfastness
43:1-13The Comforted Shepherds
54:1-12Abounding in Pleasing God
64:13-18Comfort in Christ’s Coming
75:1-11Awaiting Christ’s Coming
85:12-22Pastoral Exhortations
95:23-28Blessing and Closing


Is prestudy scheduled for BS #1?
The trainers have incorporated the prestudy for BS #1 in facilitators training sessions. Facilitators would be equipped to lead their groups for BS #1 by the end of their training sessions.

For those attending the facilitators training, do they need to attend the congregational teaching on Sundays as well?
Yes the facilitator training is designed as a tutorial to reinforce and put to practice the content of the congregational teaching. Facilitators should attend onsite or watch the recording if involved in CI.

If I am involved in CI, how do I attend congregational teaching?
The recordings of the congregational teaching lectures will be available online later. We strongly encourage the rest of the congregation who are not involved in CI to attend the teaching on site so that we can be on pace to start on 1 Thess in May.

What is the BS post study tutorial held on Sundays?
This is conducted by the trainers to round up the bible study material so that the congregation can be on the same page as to how to draw out the main ideas of the passage. These tutorials are held during congregational teaching slots and would last till September 2024. Care groups should seek to finish the scheduled BS prior to the post study tutorial.

What if some Care Groups find it difficult to achieve the pace of 2 studies a month?
We plan to train our facilitators and members to eventually be able to complete a bible study within an hour. This requires good bible study questions, concise facilitators, disciplined participants and realistic expectations. We do recognize that many are used to different approaches and hence there will be a period of adjustment. Our trainers will work with facilitators and CGs to help us acclimatize. We will start slow and ramp up to the full pace in September 2024. We believe that 2 studies a month is the optimum for regular fellowship around the Word.

What if I am currently not attending any Care Group?
Firstly, we encourage you to spend time in prayer regarding the need for continual gospel growth in the context of community. When the Lord places a desire on your heart to seek regular fellowship around the Word, enquire of Him for likeminded believers who can walk with you. This may come in the form of an already established group, a budding group or the Lord may even put the desire in you to initiate a new care group. Our ward leaders are happy to walk alongside you in this process.