All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
— 2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and that God speaks to His people through His Word. As God’s people, we want to study His Word to know Him better.


How should we study the Bible?

We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells us, His people, and enables us to interpret and apply His Word. We approach the study of the Word of God by first humbly asking the Holy Spirit to illumine our minds and aid our understanding.

We then approach the passage verse by verse, asking ourselves three main questions:

  1. What does the passage say?
  2. What does it mean?
  3. How can this be applied?

The idea is to dig deeper at each level. We start with general observations, move to an in-depth examination of the verse in context, looking at commentaries if necessary to aid in our understanding of the background, and finally, we consider the practical application of the principles in our lives.

Congregational Teaching

You can view our introductory lectures to inductive Bible study recorded in 2024 here.

1Expository Bible Study Defined and Compared
2Asking Good Questions for Good Answers
3The Big Picture and Right Meaning
4How to Be a Profitable Participant
5BS #1 post study tutorial
6BS #2 post study tutorial
7BS #3 post study tutorial

Chapter divisions 2025 Material

Christ’s Supremacy (Mark 1-8:26)

BS #Text: MarkInformation
11:1-13John and Christ
21:14-45Christ’s Authority
32:1-3:12Christ’s Conflict with Religion
43:13-4:34Christ’s Growing Family
54:35-5:43Christ’s Power over All Realms
66:1-32His Inability, Their Ability, His Death
76:33-56His Miracle, Their Unbelief, Their Belief
87:1-8:26The Pharisees and Pagans Compared
CG schedule 2025Prestudy
DateItem1st Thu3rd Thu
JanuaryBreakBS #1
February(CNY), BS #1BS #2
MarchBS #2, BS #3BS #3BS #4
AprilBS #4, (Good Friday)BS #5
MayBS #5, BS #6BS #6*BS #7
JuneBS #7, (Quarterly break)BS #8

* Public holiday - alternate prestudy date TBC