For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
— John 3:16

— 约翰福音3章16节

Gospel Service

4 Condemned, 3 Died, 2 Saved
Luke 23:13-49

Speaker: Pastor Mark Chen

证道题⽬: 无罪的被判死刑,有罪的得释放?岂有此理?
经文: 路加福音 23:1-25
讲员: 钟南德牧师

Details 详情

10amCoffee/tea and sandwiches 茶点招待
11amGospel Services 福⾳聚会
12pmRefreshments & Light Lunch 午餐

200 portions of lunch will be available for attendees, first-come first-served.


Service will also be live streamed.


Download Invitation 下载邀请函
Tract: It is Finished / 成了

More Gospel Services

Parking is very limited near our church. Please see here for information on transportation options and parking at FERC.

Please note that we will have no access to FERC from our main gate due to an event at the neighboring property. Please access FERC via the side pedestrian gate next to Atelier Villas or the pedestrian gate at basement 2 (facing Lentor MRT Station).

