For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
— John 3:16 (KJV)

— 约翰福音3章16节(和合本)

Gospel Service

CHRISTMAS DAY is about God sending his perfect Son to take away the sins of sinners. There's no one so wicked that Jesus cannot save. There's no one so good that he/she doesn't need salvation. We see that in Jesus' own human ancestry. There were great sinners from whom he was descended. Come and hear about Jesus' sinful ancestors. If they can be saved by him, so can you.

Time11 am上午11点
TitleIn English
A Sinless Saviour Supplied for Sinners
TextMatthew 1:1-17路加福音 2:1-38
SpeakerPastor Mark Chen讲员:钟南德牧师

圣诞节 是关乎上帝差派祂完美的独生子来带走罪人的罪孽。没有人因为犯过太多罪恶而不能被祂拯救。也没有人因为太完美而不需要拯救。我们可以从耶稣本身的家谱看到这一点。他是罪人的后裔。来听听耶稣充满罪恶的家谱。如果他们能被耶稣拯救,你也可以。

Service will also be live streamed.


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You are also invited to our Christmas Eve and Sunday Services at 9.30am & 5pm

More Gospel Services (现场华语翻译)

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10amLight Refreshments 茶点
11amGospel Service 福音聚会
12pmLight Lunch*午餐

* 200 servings, first-come first-served

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