Holding forth the Word of Life
— Philippians 2:16a (KJV)

Lord’s Day 24

Q62: But why can our good works not be our righteousness before God, or at least a part of it?

Because the righteousness

which can stand before God’s judgment must be absolutely perfect and in complete agreement with the law of God,1

whereas even our best works in this life

are all imperfect and defiled with sin.2

Scripture References (hover over or tap to see verses)
  1. Deuteronomy 27:26; Galatians 3:10
  2. Isaiah 64:6

Q63: But do our good works earn nothing, even though God promises to reward them in this life and the next?1

This reward is not earned;

it is a gift of grace.2

Scripture References (hover over or tap to see verses)
  1. Matthew 5:12; Hebrews 11:6
  2. Luke 17:10; 2 Timothy 4:7, 8

Q64: Does this teaching not make people careless and wicked?


It is impossible

that those grafted into Christ

by true faith

should not bring forth

fruits of thankfulness.1

Scripture References (hover over or tap to see verses)
  1. Matthew 7:18; Luke 6:43-45; John 15:5