For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
— John 3:16 (KJV)

— 约翰福音3章16节(和合本)

11 February 2024 二月十一日大年初二

Gospel Service

The First Evangelical Reformed Church wishes you and every member of your family the


this Chinese New Year! This second day of CNY, the community of FERC invites you to come and hear the good news.

JOIN US in celebrating the Chinese New Year at our church services filled with joy, reflection and community. Embrace the true spirit of renewal and hope as we welcome a new year. Let’s come together to usher in spiritual blessings and eternal prosperity. All are welcome!

Time: 9.30 am

The Triumph of Christ

By Brother Jonathan Yap




Time: 5 pm

🐉 The Rule of the Dragon-Slayer

By Pastor Mark Chen

福到! 愿上帝在这农历新年赐福给您!欢迎您在2月11日(初二)来第一宣道归正教会,与我们一起听福音,在进入新年时领受真实的复兴与盼望。

Service will also be live streamed.


Download Invitation 下载邀请函

More Gospel Services (现场华语翻译)

Parking is very limited near our church. Please see here for information on transportation options and parking at FERC.
